PRSA Bylaws

Potomac River Sailing Association Bylaws

Passed November 18, 2018; amended November  16, 2019

Article I. Name.

The name of this organization shall be “Potomac River Sailing Association” hereinafter “PRSA.” The distinguishing signal or burgee of PRSA shall be a black swan on a yellow field. This signal may be displayed by any member in good standing.

Article II. Purpose.

The purpose of the PRSA shall be to promote small one-design sailboat racing on the Potomac River, to increase the interest of the general public in the sport of sailing, to aid in the design and construction of sailing craft for use on these waters, and to provide an opportunity for fellowship.

Article III. Membership.

Section 1. Classes of Membership.

A. Active Membership. Active members shall have the right to skipper a boat in races organized by PRSA, vote, hold office and serve on committees. Active members shall pay dues in accordance with Section 3 of this Article and fulfill race committee (RC) duties established by the Executive Committee.

B. Associate Membership. Associate membership is open to any person interested in sailing. Associate members shall have the right to serve on committees. Associate members shall pay dues in accordance with Section 3 of this Article and fulfill race committee (RC) duties established by the Executive Committee.

C. Junior Membership. Junior membership is open to skippers under 18 years of age. Junior members shall have the right to skipper a boat in races organized by PRSA and serve on committees. Junior members shall pay dues in accordance with Section 3 of this Article.

D. Honorary Membership. The Executive Committee may recommend the election of honorary members of PRSA, which election shall require a vote of two-thirds of the membership present at an Annual Meeting. This honor may be conferred on a person for meritorious service to PRSA, the sport of yachting, or for outstanding performance of seamanship. Honorary members shall have the right to skipper a boat in races organized by PRSA and serve on committees. Honorary members are not required to pay dues or fulfill race committee (RC) duties established by the Executive Committee.

E. Life Membership. Upon application to and approval by the Executive Committee, life membership may be conferred on any Active or Junior member who has been a member in good standing for five consecutive years. Life members shall have the right to skipper a boat in races organized by PRSA, vote, hold office and serve on committees. Life Members shall pay dues in accordance with Section 3 of this Article and fulfill RC duties as set by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. Qualification for Membership. Individuals interested in sailing and who support the purpose of PRSA may apply for any membership category for which they qualify by submitting an application to the Executive Committee.

Section 3. Dues.

A. Dues by Class of Membership.

1. Annual Dues. Members of PRSA shall pay the following annual dues:

Dues for Years: 2016-2018 2019-2021 2022-2024 2025-2027
Active, Multi-Person Boat $100 $110 $120 $130
Active, Single-Person Boat $70 $80 $90 $100
Associate $30 $35 $40 $45
Junior $25 $30 $35 $40

2. Life Membership Dues. Life Members shall pay a one-time payment equivalent to ten times the amount of the current annual Active Member dues for their respective category of boat.

B. Payment Terms.

1. The annual membership year shall be December 1 through November 30. Membership dues payments for returning members are due by December 1 each calendar year.

2. Members who skipper more than one type of boat shall pay the annual dues amount for the largest boat sailed.

3. A late payment fee of $25 will be assessed for returning active members paying dues on or after January 15.

C. Periodic Dues Increases. Dues will increase by $10 for active members and by $5 for associate and junior members every three years. The PRSA Executive Committee will revisit the dues structure in 2025 and report back to the membership at that time.

Section 4. Expulsion. Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee and after an opportunity to be heard, any member may be expelled for cause by a two-thirds vote of the voting membership.

Article IV. Officers.

Section 1. Officers and Duties. The officers of PRSA shall be a Commodore, a Vice-Commodore, a Rear-Commodore, a Treasurer, and a Secretary. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by PRSA.

A. Commodore. The Commodore shall:

1. Be the chief executive officer of and have general management responsibility for PRSA;

2. Preside at Executive Committee and membership meetings;

3. See that all decisions of the Executive Committee are carried out;

4. Appoint a Social Chair;

5. Appoint special committees as needed to fulfill the objects of PRSA; and,

6. Have the authority to fly the PRSA pennant with three stars.

B. Vice-Commodore. The Vice-Commodore shall have such powers and duties as usually pertain to such an office, fulfill the duties of the Property Committee Chair (Article VII, Section 1), and in the absence of the Commodore shall preside at meetings. The Vice-Commodore shall have the authority to fly the PRSA pennant with two stars.

C. Rear-Commodore. The Rear-Commodore shall have such powers and duties as usually pertain to such an office and fulfill the duties of the Race Program Committee Chair (Article VII, Section 2). The Rear-Commodore shall have the authority to fly the PRSA pennant with one star.

D. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall

1. Collect and receive all moneys and deposit the same in the name of PRSA in such bank as may be approved by the Executive Committee;

2. Pay all bills contracted by PRSA;

3. Keep an accurate accounting of PRSA’s finances; and,

4. Provide a detailed financial report at each Annual meeting.

E. Secretary. The Secretary shall:

1. Be PRSA’s custodian of records;

2. Keep a full and complete list of all members and maintain the register of boats in PRSA;

3. Fulfill the duties of the Outreach Committee Chair (Article VII, Section 3); and,

4. Take and keep minutes of meetings.

Section 2. Election and Term. Candidates for office shall be nominated from the floor during PRSA’s Annual Meeting. Officers shall be elected by a majority vote at the Annual Meeting. Officers shall serve for a term of two years or until their successors are elected, and their term of office shall begin January 1 following their election. No member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.

Section 3. Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Commodore, the Vice-Commodore, or the Rear-Commodore if the office of Vice-Commodore is vacant, shall assume the office of Commodore. Should a vacancy occur in any other office, the Executive Committee shall select an Active member to fill that office for the remainder of the term.

Article V. Meetings.

Section 1. Annual Meeting. An “Annual Meeting” shall be held after November 1 and before December 15 of each year. The principal purposes of this meeting are the election of officers for the following calendar year, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise.

Section 2. Special Meetings. Special meetings shall be called by the Commodore at their discretion, or called by the Commodore within 30 days after receiving a written petition of at least five voting members (Active and Life).

Section 3. Quorum. Twenty-five percent of PRSA’s voting members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4. Voting. Voting by proxy shall not be allowed.

Article VI. Executive Committee.

Section 1. Committee Composition. The Executive Committee shall consist of Commodore, Vice-Commodore, Rear-Commodore, Treasurer, Secretary, and Fleet Representatives.

Section 2. Duties and Powers. The Executive Committee shall determine the policies of PRSA, authorize purchase of or contract for the necessary materials and services for the management and operation of PRSA, adopt an annual budget, approve any expenditures in excess of budgeted amounts, adopt the annual racing schedule, and award trophies.

Section 3. Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet monthly as scheduled by the Commodore, or upon written request of at least three of its members. A majority of its members shall constitute a quorum.

ARTICLE VII. Committees

Section 1. Property Committee. The following duties shall be carried out by the Vice-Commodore or by a committee of members selected and chaired by the Vice-Commodore:

A. Make recommendations regarding the purchase of property costing in excess of $500 to the Executive Committee for approval;

B. Oversee the maintenance of PRSA’s property, boats, and equipment; and,

C. Organize and host work days as needed.

Section 2. Race Program Committee. As determined by the Executive Committee, the following duties shall be carried out by the Executive Committee, the Rear-Commodore, or by a committee of members selected and chaired by the Rear-Commodore:

A. Prepare the annual racing schedule for submission to the Executive Committee for approval;

B. Recommend a scoring system to be used for each regatta or series and present to the Executive Committee for approval;

B. Publication of the approved annual racing schedule;

D. Determination of the order of starts and the starting intervals for each regatta, series, or elimination series;

E. Appointment of a permanent protest committee for each regatta, series, or elimination series;

F. Designation of a Principal Race Officer (PRO) to conduct PRSA regattas;

G. Determination of the number of races necessary to qualify in the Spring, Fall and Frostbite Series; and,

H. Tabulation and posting of scores for after each day of racing during a series.

Section 3. Outreach Committee. The following duties shall be carried out by the Secretary or by a committee of members selected and chaired by the Secretary:

A. Send out notice of meetings and other PRSA business; and,

B. Maintain PRSA’s website.

 Section 4. Social Committee. The following duties shall be carried out by the Social Chair or by a committee of members selected and chaired by the Social Chair:

A. Plan, organize, and conduct an annual banquet;

B. Plan, organize, and conduct regatta and series-related social events; and,

C. Plan, organize, and conduct other social activities.

Section 5. Auditing Committee. The Commodore shall appoint an auditing committee. This committee shall audit the books and accounts of the Treasurer at least once between the end of year and the Annual meeting. It shall report any irregularities immediately and, submit a report of audit at the Annual meeting.

Article VIII. Fleets and Racing.

Section 1. Fleets. Any one-design sailboat class with five or more Active, Junior, or Life members as of January 15th shall be considered an active one-design fleet for that membership year. Active one-design fleets are eligible to select an Active member as a representative (“Fleet Representative(s)”) to serve on the Executive Committee. Active one-design fleets shall certify the election of their representatives to PRSA’s Secretary by no later than January 30 each calendar year.

Section 2. Regular Series. PRSA shall conduct a “Spring Series,” a “Fall Series,” and a “Frostbite Series.” To be eligible to be scored in these race series, the skipper must be an Active, Junior or Life member. The number of races, scoring, and other rules shall be established by the Executive Committee.

A. Participating boats that are part of active one-design fleets shall be scored with that fleet. Each active one-design fleet shall be scored separately and receive awards funded by PRSA.

B. Participating boats that are not part of an active one-design fleet shall be scored as part of one or more handicap divisions. Each handicap division shall be scored separately and receive awards funded by PRSA.

Section 3. Regattas. PRSA may conduct any number of races or regattas in which non-members are invited to participate. The number, dates, classes, eligibility, and other rules shall be established by the Executive Committee.

Article IX. Parliamentary Authority.

The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Orders Newly Revised shall govern PRSA in all cases to which they are applicable and to which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws, or any other special rules of order PRSA may adopt.

Article X. Amendments.

These bylaws may be amended at the Annual meeting of PRSA by a two-thirds vote, provided that notice of the amendment(s) has been communicated to the general membership and posted on PRSA’s website at least fifteen days in advance.


PRSA Constitution (replaced with the above bylaws in 2017)

PRSA Bylaws (replaced with the above bylaws in 2017)