The PRAF Booster Award is given to the skipper who has sailed in the most events for the year. There is a point system used to calculate a score for each skipper. Skippers earn more points for sailing in PRSA events and local regattas than events in Canada or the U.K. A skipper can only win the award once per 3 years. The award was donated by John Duncan.
2024 Tyler Phillips
2023 Dan Miller/Kaitlyn Lucy
2022 Farley Will
2021 Bob Bear
2019 Lloyd Leonard
2018 Farley Will
2017 Bob Bear
2016 Barney Harris
2015 Mike Heinsdorf
2014 Farley Will
2013 Nich Allen
2012 Barney Harris
2011 Mike Heinsdorf
2010 Khin Thein
2009 Peter Duncan
2008 Barney Harris
2007 Mike Heinsdorf
2006 Scott Snyder
2005 Lloyd Leonard
2004 Dan Miller
2003 Barney Harris
2002 Bill Buck
2001 Lars and Janice Rathjen
2000 Bob Bear
1999 Dave Huber
1998 Rolf and Sue Zeisler
1997 Diane Goebes
1996 Daphne Byron
1995 Bill Buck
1994 Rich Larson
1993 Joanna Byron
1992 Daphne Byron
1991 Bill Buck
1990 Bob Bear
1989 Rolf Zeisler
1988 Daphne Byron
1987 Bill Buck
1986 Bob Harwood
1985 John Galloway and Ralph Nebiker
1984 Roger Thomas and Debbie Yap
1983 Scott Odell and Barbara Wolf
1982 Daphne Byron
1981 Bob Harwood
1980 Roger Thomas
1979 Bill Buck
1978 Troy and Kenneth Blantor
1977 Lewis Smith
1976 Roger Thomas
1975 Fred Kistler
1974 Ann Swift
1973 Hal, Stan, and David Corbin
1972 Roger and Cathy Thomas
1971 Dave Wallerstein
1970 Fred Polk