The PRAF Most Abused Crew Award goes to a crew who may have had a particularly rough year sailing in the Albacore. The award has the top of an Albacore Centerboard handle one it, which every crew has encountered in the boat at one point or another!
2024 Lee Sayasithsena
2023 Jim Schuster
2022 Eliza Pearce
2021 Barney Harris
2019 Susan Graham
2016 Paul Griffin
2015 Michelle Greenhalgh
2014 Marissa Allen
2013 Bob Goebes
2006 Jen Parrow
2003 Marianna Dunn
2003 Scott Snyder
2002 Doug Foord
2001 Holly Twyford
2000 Sue Zeisler
1999 Stephanie Strand
1998 Susan Graham
1997 Ian Duncan
1996 Keith Sigg
1995 Becky Mattes
1994 Suzanne Lucas
Lin Vlier
Teresa Corrales
David Byron
Christine Lawson