PRAF Most Improved B Skipper Award

The PRAF Most Improved B Skipper Award is given to a new skipper who has improved the most since joining the fleet.  The award was donated by Bev and Bob Harwood.

2024 Mike Scardaville
2023 Jim Schuster
2022 Tyler Phillips
2021 Eva Hogan
2013 Nich Allen
2012 Farley Will
2011 Tom Berlin
2003 Dan Miller
2002 Dory Caplan
2001 Dave Dalbec
2000 Dan Caplan
1999 Saskia Mooney
1998 Richard Tella
1997 Susan and Jim Graham
1996 Lars Rathjen
1995 Bill Kleysteuber
1994 Rich Lawson
1993 Sam Coffin
1992 Bob Rathbone
1991 Diane Goebes
1990 Peter Gaus
1989 Doug Foord
1988 Larry Pfeifle
1987 Sue and Jim Graham
1986 John Galloway
1985 Wilda Heiss
1984 Tim Arthurs
1983 John Suddreth
1982 Scott O’Dell
1981 Woody Kees
1980 Terry Jarvis
1979 Bob Ross
1978 Art Marsh
1977 Henry Mount
1976 Bill Buck
1975 John Moynihan
1974 Troy B;anton
1973 Ann Swift
1972 Al Roval
1971 Bill Lucas
1970 Bob Webb