Category Archives: SI’s & NOR’s

2010 Presidents / Leukemia Cup NOR

The Presidents Cup is coming up next week! Wow, what happened to the summer? It flew by, and here we are ready to kick off the Falls series with the annual Presidents Cup Regatta. I sure hope everyone is planning to attend. Its also that time to raise money and awareness for the Leukemia Society, so get out there and find some donations! 🙂 Anyway, I am a little late getting the NOR up on the site, but better late than never! See the NOR after the break:

Continue reading 2010 Presidents / Leukemia Cup NOR

Presidents / Leukemia Cup Sailing Instructions

The 2009 Presidents/leukemia Cup Sailing Instructions are now available for download/printing:

Click here for the Upper Course Instructions

Click here for the Lower Course Instructions

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Look  for revisions to the NOR and SIs to be posted Saturday Morning as follows:  LASERS sail Upper Course, Saturday Only; Other small (lower course) boats sail in the cove.

2009 President’s/Leukemia Cup Regatta Notice Of Race

      The 2009 Presidents & Leukemia Cup is coming up very soon, on September 12/13, 2009. See below for the NOR for the event. To Register for the PRESIDENTS CUP (all One Design Racers must enter the Presidents Cup)  go here for the PRSA online registration form.   See who is coming. Please note that to enter the LEUKEMIA CUP you may go here to register, and you must register for the President’s Cup. Its easy just raise a minimum of $100.00 to enter. Of course we are all raising lots of money for this years Leukemia Cup event in the name of one of our own who is fighting the disease right now. 

 Here is the NOR: 

Continue reading 2009 President’s/Leukemia Cup Regatta Notice Of Race