Spring & Fall Sunday Series

PRSA conducts two Sunday Series. The Spring Series is on 8 or 9 Sundays in the Spring. The first of that series is generally the first Sunday in April (that is not Easter). The Fall Series is on 8 or 9 Sundays in the Fall. The first Sunday is generally the first Sunday after the Labor Day weekend. See the calendar.

Any boat in an Active PRSA Fleet, as defined in the PRSA Bylaws, is welcome to participate.  Please register here. Fleet Captains are central to organizing the participation of each fleet, so make sure to contact your boat’s fleet captain if you are interested in racing.

All PRSA skippers (and their crews) help run race committee. See the RC signup sheet.  Skippers are required to serve on RC in the series in which they sail (more details here).

While the fleet welcomes guests to try us out, we ask you to join PRSA. We are a very good cause and membership is one of the most affordable deals in the region.  See the membership application for more details.