All posts by frankgal

Upcoming Lightning Regattas

Lightning Dixie District Championship and 43rd Annual Doc Gilbert Memorial Potomac Cup  on June 29 and 30 at Leesylvania State Park.    Skippers register here, or volunteer to crew, and volunteer for a shore task.  Thank you.

Only 2 PRSA spring series Sundays left before the SSA No Gas Regatta or the PRSA Spring Regatta, both on MAY 25-26.

It looks like several PRSA skippers will be going to the SSA No-Gas Regatta, To go to this regatta, Go to
To see regatta details and links to the Regatta sign-up pages.

If you’re not going to SSA, you can still sign up for the PRSA Spring Regatta at…
Or sign up to help on race committee for this regatta.

Still time to get in some good practice before these regattas so plan to do one or two Sunday races on the Potomac!

The Lightning Dixie District Championship and the Doc-Gilbert Potomac Cup will be combined and run simultaneously on June 29–30, at Leesylvania State Park.  This combo Regatta satisfies Fleet 50’s requirement to run the Dixie District championship every five years or so.  Plan to be there.!!!!  Go to 
to see regatta details and links to the Regatta sign-up pages.

Call or text me if you have any questions or need help getting to one of these regattas.


Frank Gallagher
Captain – Lightning Fleet 50 