THIS SUNDAY, First Frostbite Day!!!

This Sunday is it!!  The first day of our 2009/2010 Frostbite season!!  Right now the weather is looking nice, predicted to be 58F with winds at 9MPH.  Hope to see a big turnout.

If you are wondering what Frostbiting on the Potomac is all about, come out and we’ll take you out on the RC boat and show you.  The Laser Fleet is the largest active and most competitive class in PRSA.  We regularly have 20+ boats out every week (twice as many boats that any other class puts on the water in the spring/fall).  Some people think sailing in the winter is crazy, but the winter months provide the most reliable sailing conditions then any other season.  We usually sail in the cove, on the river or down by the power plant depending on the weather.  Our RC staff dress to sail and switch off after each race, so everyone gets to sail, even if you do not own a boat!  Come on out and see what it’s all about.

We leave the docks around noon and the first race will be shortly there after, probably 12:30-12:45.  See you one the water!

Would You Rather Have a Boat That Sucks Or Stinks?

Now most of you may think that is a distinction without a difference, but I learned on Sunday it most definitely is not. Let me explain.

On Sunday, my crew and I went out for an end of season sail. We were joined on the river by Laura, Will, and Brian sailing Lightning 14627, whose owner graciously let them borrow her for the day. Now, everyone in our fleet knows that 14627 rarely gets wet, and usually can be found sitting forlornly in its slip over by the PRSA committee boats. That area of the marina is also known to most of us as a bastion of mouse activity, and 14627 is a case in point of what happens when you leave your boat over there and never take her out. Mice got aboard and rather than the usual destruction of her sails due to being eaten, the mice decided to make a home in the rolled up jib. When Laura and company opened up the boat for the first time in weeks they disturbed a veritable metropolis living in said jib. It did not take very long to notice the reeking stench of mouse urine that emanated from the sail. It was so bad you could smell it from 2 boat lengths away. So much for the “Stink”, now for the “Suck”.

Continue reading Would You Rather Have a Boat That Sucks Or Stinks?

2009 PRSA Awards Banquet and Annual General Meeting – Saturday, November 14!

Saturday night 47 PRSA Skippers, crew, and guests came together at the Marina Towers for an evening of socializing, dinner, awards, and PRSA business. See details and  who attended here.  Congratulations to Lighting skippers Nabeel Alsalam, Rick, Welch, and Pat McGee for their top 3 rankings in the Spring Series, and to Frank and Rick for their top 2 finishes in the Fall Series, and to Tom Berlin, for his first place award for the Albacore Fall Series.  Rick was given the Fleet Captain’s Award for outstanding service as Race Committee Chair for Spring Series 8; Tom Berlin was awarded the Founder’s Trophy for service above and  beyond the call of member duty, for his continued work , and success, all fall in getting the engine of the 16 skiff working again.  Officers elected to the board for 2010 were: Pat McGee, Commodore; David Thompson, Vice Commodore; Scott Snyder, Rear Commodore; Yates Dowell, Treasurer; Robert Bennett, Secretary; and Jim Graham, member-at-large.

2009 PRSA Awards Banquet and Annual Meeting This Coming Saturday, Nov 14!

This coming Saturday. At the Marina Towers (same place as last year).    RSVP Here.  See details and  who is coming here.  48 have signed up so far. This is a really nice event, and it provides the opportunity to socialize with the sailors you see on the race course on Sundays.  Don’t miss out!

11/07/2009 PRSA Fall Finale Scores

Wow, what a beautiful day for sailing!! Temps were in the 60F’s, winds were blowing straight out of the south at 8 to 12MPH, and the sun was shinning. We sailed out on the river down by the power plant. Got five windward/leeward races in on a fairly long course. Winds were unusually steady, with small waves coming up the river. We had ten Lasers, two hobies and one albacore on the course. Thanks to Frank, Mladen, Brenna, Barney and Jill for doing RC. We had awards, chili and apple cider/rum after racing.
Scores after the break:

Continue reading 11/07/2009 PRSA Fall Finale Scores

PRSA Fall Finale Regatta, Today, Saturday November 7!!

Today (Nov 7th) is the PRSA Fall Finale Regatta. This is the last regatta of the year  for our fair weather sailing friends, and the first of our winter Laser frostbite season.   Right now the weather looks perfect, A high of 59 degrees is predicted, with sunny skies  and winds from the S at 8 – 9 MPH all day.  We should have a big turn out for this regatta.  Last year we had 3 Albacores, 2 Buccs, 3 Hobies, 3 Lasers, and 5 Lightings show on a day with  questionable weather.  This year we should do better than that!  The Skippers Meeting is at noon and the first warning at 12:40.  Frank is PRO, with Mladen, Brenna, Barney, and Jill as helpers.  We’ll be sailing in the cove or down by the power plant depending on the weather  and how many boats show up. Bring hot Chili and cold beer for the party after.   Hope to see you on the water!