Tag Archives: Albacore Sailing

PRSA Spring Regatta May 25-26

Registration is open for the PRSA Spring Regatta!  Sign up now and help us spread the word about our signature spring event:  https://www.nextsailor.com/app/page/regatta/672.

If you are interested in volunteering to help out with some regatta organization, please let Regatta Chair Kaitlyn Lucey know.  This is a great chance to get involved with one of our events, learn more about regatta organization and operation, and help out PRSA!

2019 Spring Series #2

We had another nice day with a solid southerly breeze for our second spring series day.  Temps were in the upper 60s .  All in all it was another great day of sailing!


2019 Spring Series #1

We had a really nice first day for the spring series.  We had a lot of boats out, nice weather (75 or so) and breeze around 10 knots nice and steady out of the south.  We had a nice turnout for the potluck afterwards as well.


Fall Series #3

The wacky west wind made its first appearance this fall for Fall Series #3.  It certainly proved challenging to the RC and all the sailors, but PRO Frank Gallagher and his crew did a great job in setting, re-setting, and re-setting the course again throughout the day (aided by some sailors moving marks as well!) to keep up with the changing wind directions.  The breeze never settled down, and it seemed like we saw wind from just about every point on the compass!  Nonetheless, we got in some great racing on O2 and courses.  The reach legs kept folks sharp (especially boats trying to fly the spinnaker) and at the end of the day we all enjoyed a great day on the river.


Scores are below

2014 Fall Series 3 – Albacores

2014 Fall Series 3 – Buccaneers

2014 Fall Series 3 – Catamarans

2014 Fall Series 3 – Inland 20

2014 Fall Series 3 – Lightnings

2014 Fall Series #1

Sunday proved to be a surprisingly good day of sailing.  As we arrived at the marina, we had a nice steady breeze out of the north at about 6.  The forecast was calling for 0 building to 6 out of the south.  At the skippers meeting, the breeze had died but Aaron was optimistic in the forecast and had the RC tow everyone up to the course area.  We ended up with 8 Albacores, 4 Lightnings and 1 Buccaneer making it to the race course.  Aaron and crew were able to get off 3 races total.  The first race was quite trying.  The wind started coming out of the east.  By the time the Albacores rounded the windward mark, the wind died and the race was shortened to a finish at the windward mark on the second upwind leg.  After the first race, we could all see the sea breeze filling in from downriver.  Aaron and crew setup the course in prep for the wind and we were able to get off 2 more races in a nice southerly breeze of about 8.  All in all it was a good first day compared to what was forecast.  Scores are below.

2014 Fall Series 1 – Albacores

2014 Fall Series 1 – Lightnings

2014 Spring Regatta Final

Today proved a little harder.  The race committee was able to get off 2 races today.  Temps were in the 80s with very fluky light breeze.  Scores are posted to the Results page as well as below.

2014 Spring Regatta – Albacores

2014 Spring Regatta – Buccaneers

2014 Spring Regatta – Catamarans

2014 Spring Regatta – Lightnings

2011 Albacore Internationals

The 2011 Albacore Internationals were held from 16-23 September in Toronto, Canada.  Over sixty boats from three different countries participated, with wind conditions ranging from extremely light to a steady 20 knots with puffs up to 30 knots.  PRSA and Potomac River Albacore Fleet member Barney Harris, with crew David Byron, won the event, with a net score of 22 after 12 races (with two drops).  See video coverage of the event here: http://www.youtube.com/user/albacoreusa.  You’ve got to see what happens when we find a boat somewhere it shouldn’t be here, in a short video we call “An Albacore on Castaway Bay”, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1JuVx2vlxM.

Fall Series #2

As we conducted the Skipper’s Meeting there was no noticable wind on the river, so we discussed the merits of delaying on shore or towing boats out to the race course.  Ultimately, the Lightnings decided to take a tow and the Hobies and Albacores otped to wait for the wind to fill in.  As we arrived at the upper race course, the wind filled in right on schedule.  The race committee quickly set a course and sent the Lightnings around the course as the wind fluctuated between 2 and 5 knots.  As the Lightnings sailed around the race course, the Hobies and Albacores worked their way out the race course.  As soon as they arrived, the RC started them.  The light winds hung around long enough to get two races off and then everyone went back to shore for some well deserved beverages and grilling.

Fall Series #1 Results – 09-18-2011

The skies were grey with a threat of rain so I think a lot  of people decided to stay home. What a shame, it turned out to be an excellent day of sailing. The breeze was out of the NE for the most part with some huge right shifts throughout the day. It came in at about 12kts while we were standing around on the docks for the skippers meeting and slowly faded as the day progressed. The RC, ably headed up by Nathan Marsh and the Albacore fleet, set up a nice Windward-Leeward course running diagonally across the river. Four Albacores, Four Hobies, and Seven Lightnings came out to play in the shifting breezes. With the big right shifts, Jibe Sets were the order of the day for the Lightning fleet which made good crew work a premium. We got four races in before the dying breeze gave up for the day. A good day was had by all. Here are the scores:

Albacore Results

Hobie Results

Lightning Results


Spring Series #6, 05/22/11

Another great day of racing this past Sunday. It started off light, but then it kicked in and we got a perfect 8-10 kt southerly. Eric Hakanson was our intrepid PRO for the day, ably assisted by members of the Lightning Fleet. In spite of the fact that the Lightnings lost 2 boats to RC duty, we put 10 boats on the line. 3 Albacores came out to play even though most of the fleet was away at a regatta. We had 4 Hobies and 2 Buccaneers to round out the competitors. Eric set up a nice Windward-Leeward course for us and smartly got off 4 races in the building breezes. What a day. Check out the scores here:

Albacore Spring 7

Buccaneer Spring 7

Hobie Spring 7

Lightning Spring 7

This Saturday and Sunday is our annual Spring Regatta, so don’t miss it!! Then the following Sunday we close out the Spring Series with a bang.