Tag Archives: 3 Bridges Fiasco

DISC Three Bridges Fiasco on Saturday, July 13!

Greetings all,

We’ve got 5 dinghies registered for the DISC 3 Bridges Fiasco race this Saturday.  Who else is interested?  If you need crew, or are looking to crew, don’t forget about the “Crew Connection” (link on our PRSA Homepage).  Fleet Captains: please forward this reminder to your Fleet listservs.  This is a really fun race and the weather forecast for Saturday looks promising.

The NOR and the registration link are both posted at https://discsailing.org/ (scroll down a bit to the “Upcoming Events/Registration” area.  The SIs will be posted soon.

I’m also including here some informaton from DISC Commodore PEte Fanta, who will also run the RC on Saturday.  From Pete:

  • “I will be the RC for the Three Bridges this weekend.  The RC boat will be the Georgetown Sailing Team Boat. My intention is to follow in the powerboat, as best as possible, the majority of boats around the course to render assistance as needed.
  • The start times will be set using Portsmouth Handicaps on a Pursuit Race.  This means the slowest boat will start first and can sail the course designated in either direction, as long as they round the correct marks.  The fastest boat will start last.  When we do this with only the PHRF boats, there can be as much as a 15 minute gap between first starter and last starter. The boat finishing first across the line after sailing the course…wins.  The appropriate ratings are taken into account by the start times.  This method allows us to sail a Laser against an Albacore, against a Flying Scot, against an S2 7.9.  I understand that in some conditions certain boats are hard to beat, but that is the nature of handicap racing.
  • SIs will be posted soon.”

I hope to see you out on the water on Saturday!

