Online pre-registration for the 2012 President’s/Leukemia Cup is now up and running! You can pre-register your boat and, if you wish to raise funds to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, simply indicate this preference on the PRSA pre-registration form. The regatta will be held on September 8-9 this year. We’ve posted the link to the PRSA pre-registration form, a list of key dates, and all the rest of the relevant info to the President’s/Leukemia Cup page. You can also access this information by clicking the “President’s/Leukemia Cup” link above on the top navigation menu. If you have any questions, feel free to contact your PRSA Rep to the LLS, Aaron Boesenecker.
Wednesday Night Sailing Fun
Need a good reason to show up for Wednesday night sailing? Take a look at these great photos of Mike Heinsdorf and new Albacore convert Seth blasting around the cove! Hope to see you all out there next Wednesday!
Spring Series #8 Results
It was a crazy day on the river last Sunday. Don’t like the wind direction? Just wait a minute, it will change. Don’t like the velocity? That too will change! Sheesh! Len Guenther and the Lasers did a nice job with what they had and got 4 races off for the 8 Lightnings, 4 Albacores, 3 Cats, and 2 Buccaneers that came out for the punishment I mean fun. Here are the scores:
2012 Spring Regatta
On Saturday, a solid southerly breeze blew all day long and built a bit toward the end of the day. The four fleets on the upper course (Haines point) got 4 nice longish windward-leeward races. The Laser and Penguin fleets on the lower course (cove) got 8 races.
Lee, Michelle, and Mike H. put together a very special BBQ featuring pulled pork and Yuengling on tap.
On Sunday, we had more of the same wind! Amazing. For the last two races, we (the RC) stretched the course out so that it took the lead boat just under an hour to finish.
Here are the results — preliminary in case people see mistakes that need correction:
Barney Harris was skipper over 50 who beat the most boats — 10 of them.
Both Daphne Byron and Kyra Tallon were woman skippers who beat the most boats — 4 each. However, Daphen wins the tiebreaker by sailing in the larger fleet.
Lower course:
Spring Series #7 Results
Another week and another wild and wacky day on the Potomac. The forecast this week was NE 5-10 and partly cloudy skies. Anyone who was down at the marina on Saturday would have been more likely to expect variable 0 – 3, which were the conditions that day. What did we get Sunday? ENE – NE – E 10-15 with gusts later in the day in the low 20’s. At least they got the partly cloudy right! In fact, on the way up to the race course, my crew and I noted that half the sky was absolutely clear, and the other half was totally cloudy. That makes partly cloudy I guess… Anyway, if you were out there on Sunday you were sure to have a good time. The RC made up in brains what they lacked in man power, which was a good thing since only three people showed up to run races. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!? Jim Graham did a great job for us racers, setting up a WL course in the mouth of the Annacostia, and getting off four good races before sending everyone home. Eight Lightnings, two Albacores, and four Cats came out to play on this great day. Here are the scores:
Spring Series #5 and #6 Results
I have been away the last couple of weeks so I can’t comment on sailing conditions and such, but here are the scores you have been waiting for:
Spring Series #5:
Open Cats Spring Series #5 050612
Spring Series #6:
Buccaneer Spring Series #6 051312
Sailing Tomorrow? Lightings in Leesylvania and some sweet sailing videos
Tomorrow looks like better weather than we had last weekend, so who’s up for some sailing? After last weekend, the weather can only get better. The Lightings are in Leesylvania, so I’m hoping to see a good number of cats, Bucs and Albacores, as everyone is guaranteed at least one more start than normal!
This weekend is the annual Doc Gilbert Regatta in Leesylvania State Park. This is the first of two regattas hosted by Lighting Fleet 50 the year – the second is the Dixie Districts. Information on the Doc Gilbert Regatta is here:
The Olympics are this year, and the US Sailing Team is well represented, but the Swiss, so far, have the best multimedia. If you find yourself stuck inside, check out some awesome video of the Swiss Sailing Team here: and here:
Spring Series #4 Results
Well it was a nice day at least… Sunday came with sunny skies and a forecast of 5-10 from the Northwest. Sounds perfect doesn’t it? Would have been if the breeze (and I use that term loosely) had ever once come from the NW. Instead we got 0-4 from almost every other direction on the compass. The pain factor was very high. Eight Lightnings, five Cats, two Bucc’s, and a lone Albacore came out for the fun and games. The Race Committee, headed by Mike Heinsdorf did the best they could under the circumstances – hats off for a valiant effort – and got two races in before showing mercy to the drifting masses and sending them home. Here are the scores:
PRSA and Lightning Fleet 50 are sorry to lose Eric Hakanson to Boston.
It has been great having Eric sailing his Lightning in Fleet 50 with PRSA. We will all miss him, but wish him well in his new promotion in Boston. Fair winds and following seas!
Spring Series #3 Scores
Well it may have looked miserable outside to most of us, but the sailing conditions were reputedly excellent… FOR A DUCK! 🙂 Winds were North 13-16 with some gusts. Clouds were grey, temps in the low 50’s and the rain was wet. While most of us were staying warm and dry yesterday, 5 Lightning nutjobs intrepid sailors were out on the course for some racing. The Race Committee, headed up by Eric Hakanson, braved the elements and got three races off before coming to their senses calling it a day. Here are the scores: