Tag Archives: PRSA
Lightning North Americans Day 1 & 2 Report
2009 President’s/Leukemia Cup Regatta Notice Of Race
The 2009 Presidents & Leukemia Cup is coming up very soon, on September 12/13, 2009. See below for the NOR for the event. To Register for the PRESIDENTS CUP (all One Design Racers must enter the Presidents Cup) go here for the PRSA online registration form. See who is coming. Please note that to enter the LEUKEMIA CUP you may go here to register, and you must register for the President’s Cup. Its easy just raise a minimum of $100.00 to enter. Of course we are all raising lots of money for this years Leukemia Cup event in the name of one of our own who is fighting the disease right now.
Here is the NOR:
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TEAM SPOT Takes First Place in the 2009 Albacore Internationals!
Our heartiest congratulations to TEAM SPOT on their first place finish at the 2009 Albacore Internationals. Yes indeed by a nine point lead too ! Nice going guys.
Continue reading TEAM SPOT Takes First Place in the 2009 Albacore Internationals!
Barney Harris with crew David Byron come in second at the Albacore UK Nationals
Congratulations Barn to you and David for representing PRSA and placing second place in a tie breaker in a 50 boat fleet at the UK Albacore nationals in Scotland.All of us wish you victory in the Internationals that continue the rest of the week. Go get ’em Team Spot !! THE NUDGE
Khin Thein sailing with his son Thant come in 23rd in 50 boat fleet.
Go here to see all the scores: http://scottishsailinginstitute.com/ssi_results.asp?eventID=80
Passing it on to the next generation
Last night I had the pleasure of taking my 7 year old nephew Spencer out for his first sail.
The new PRSA Web Site is open for business!
Its been a long time coming, but we have finally given a face lift to our web site. In fact, we are now a BLOG!
Continue reading The new PRSA Web Site is open for business!