Category Archives: Results

Laser Frostbite 1/30/2011

Fourteen people showed up to take part in a 40 degree day on the last Sunday of January. The wind was from the east-northeast starting out light to variable in the last race. Erich Hesse and Ridley Nelson set up a windward-leeward course in the cove with the starting line within a stone’s throw of the Mount Vernon bike path. The winner of the day was Nabeel Alsalam and his winner’s write-up below. We had one new boat owner join us for the first time, Justin Pollack, who bought a boat that has been sitting at the marina. Justin had a good day after a long hiatus from Laser sailing and finished 2nd overall. We also had a friend of Alex Jacob, Shawn Golden, join us and they both showed the older/heavier people how to do it in the light air.

Here is a cool shot by Erich of Nabeel ghosting toward the finish. (Click to enlarge)

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PRSA Hangover Regatta – January 1, 2011

What a day! We had our biggest Laser regatta ever today, 33 boats. Thanks to all that traveled to join us to help us push over the 30 boats mark. The weather could not have been better with temps in the 50’s and a south breeze 7-12 mph. We sailed in the river with the current coming in throughout the racing. There were 5 races.

Tim Zimmerman was untouchable with four firsts in five races and won the regatta handily.

Special thanks to our RC for the day Nabeel Alsalam, Rob Young, Collette Bolton, Mike Heinsdorf & Tom Berlin. Thanks also to Adam Dolezal who provided hot dogs for those who stuck around after racing.

— Erich (Laser Fleet Captain)

Some of the 2011 Hangover Regatta Sailors

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Fall Series #8 – 11/07/2010

Our last Sunday Series race day of the year proved to be just what one could have hoped for. Sunny, breezy, and fun. The Hobie fleet handled the RC work for what at first looked might be a blow out, but turned into one of the nicest days of the Fall series. 3 Albacores and 7 Lightnings braved the forecast and reaped the rewards. Scores after the break:

Continue reading Fall Series #8 – 11/07/2010

Fall Series #7 10/31/2010 Results

Halloween proved to be a treat this year. Temps in the 60’s and NW winds 10-20. 6 Lightnings, 2, Albacores, 2 Buccaneers, and 1 Hobie were all we could muster for this beautiful fall Sunday. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?????? Sigh… Anyway, RC was ably manned by Erich Hesse and the Albacores, who got 4 races in for the lucky people who came out to sail. Scores after the break:

Continue reading Fall Series #7 10/31/2010 Results

Fall Series #6 10/24/2010 Results

What a beautiful day to be on the water. Temps were in the 70’s, winds from the south @ 8-12. They just don’t get any better than that. Rick Welch was the PRO for the day and he and his able crew of Lightning and Buccaneer RC did an outstanding job. they set up a really nice windward/leeward course off of Haines Point, and snapped out 4 nice races with little to no down time in between them. Well done guys (and gals). The most notable thing on the day was the awesome turnout of Albacores. 9! count ’em 9 Albs came out to play. The Stim-you-later certainly did his job. Also in attendance were 2 Cats and 5 Lightnings for this great day of sailing. Scores after the break:

Continue reading Fall Series #6 10/24/2010 Results

Fall Series #5 10/17/2010 Results

2 Albacores, 3 Buccaneers, 3 Cats, and 6 Lightnings went out to play on Sunday 10/17/2010. I was not out there, so i can’t give a complete description of the day, but it must have been fast and furious as the Lightnings got in 6 races, and everyone else got in 5 before calling it a day. Scores after the break:

Continue reading Fall Series #5 10/17/2010 Results

Falls Series #4 10/10/2010 Results

The water was looking pretty glassy when we got to the marina on Sunday. “Oh say it isn’t so” I thought to myself, the weather was beautiful, but there was not a breath of air to be found. Ever the optimists we all got our boats ready and splashed in anticipation of a little breeze. Yates, our intrepid PRO, decided to postpone on land and see what developed. 8 Lightnings and 1 Albacore sat bobbing around tied up to the dock while we waited. Around 11:15 or so we noticed a little southerly coming up. The RC (Ably manned by the Hobie fleet) went out to the river to investigate. Yes, a southerly was indeed making its way up the river, so in high hopes we set off for the race course. Most of the boats took the tow that the RC was offering. Team Ariel and a couple other boats, however, decided to sail up. Interestingly we all got to the race course at about the same time. RC wasted no time setting up a nice WL course and got us going. The breeze steadily built, and by the time we were finished for the day got up to 13kts or so. Wow, what a great day. We ended up getting 4 races in, with some of the best conditions of the year. Just proves the old adage: Good things come to those that wait. Special kudos go to Yates and the Hobie fleet for a job well done. Scores after the break:

Continue reading Falls Series #4 10/10/2010 Results

Fall Series #3 – 10/03/2010 Results

We had a great day on the water October 3. Winds were from the ENE and ranged from 8-13 or so. Albacores, Bucc’s, Hobies, and Lightnings all came out to play on this beautiful, if cloudy, Fall day. PRO Robert Bennet set up a great course in the mouth of the Anacostia and got 4 nice races in before calling it quits. Scores after the break:

Continue reading Fall Series #3 – 10/03/2010 Results

Fall Series #2 – 09/26/2010 Results

OK, I know these have been a long time coming, so I thought I should explain how the scoring works and why it is taking a long time to post them this Fall. The PRO is supposed to pass them off to me each week. that is fine except when I am not there, as I was not on September 26. I emailed the PRO looking for scores, but did not get them until the following weekend. I then had to track down several instances of people sailing who are not registered. The PRO’s have been getting sloppy about signing competitors in and getting skipper names for me. This week for the Albacores, it was Bob Wilbur sailing Saaskia Mooneys boat, and the Bucs who have been swapping sail #’s and having guest skippers who caused the problems, and the Cats who have about 4 different people who will sometimes sail with the same sail #. I also have the issue of needing to know when a Lightning is sailing short crew, something that happens regularly and affects their scoring. All in all, it is very confusing for your humble scorer. So, long story short, it took far too long to sort out who was who, and to get the scores to come out correctly. I have finally got something I feel confident in and can post, so without further ado, here are week 2’s scores:

Continue reading Fall Series #2 – 09/26/2010 Results