Category Archives: Series

Spring, Fall, Wednesday night, and Frostbite Series

Laser Frostbite Day #2, 11/25

Seventeen boats came out for Day #2.  The wind started out lighter than forecast and then picked up to forecast about 10-12 mph.  It started out west-southwest and shifted south-southwest half way through the day.  Len and Barb Guenther set a windward-leeward course out in the river.  The current was the opposite of last week (coming in all day) and I believe played a big factor in the racing today more on that later.  There was some big debris/speed bumps (tree trunks) out in the river causing some to fall out of their boats and other to stop for a minute.  If you have not made it out yet this season it has been near perfect sailing conditions and just in luck for you we sail again next Sunday same time same place.  Keith Barron and William Kruse will be providing the RC.
Full scores are posted on the website here:

Click here for week #2 Scores


Laser Frostbite Day #5, 12/18/2011

It was a beautiful day on the Potomac River with the wind from the northwest 7-15, which was more than the forecast that I saw. The sun was behind the clouds making it feel like a frostbite race but the wind was enough to keep you working. It was another great turnout with 23 boats making it on the last sailing day in 2011. Will Summers and Istvan Pely set up a windward leeward out in the river. The current was coming in/slack at the beginning of the day and was going out pretty aggressively by the last race keeping the fleet off the line.
Getting a good start was essential and the mark roundings were crowded which put an emphasis on making the right decision in a short amount of time. The firsts were well spread out in six races with six different people winning a race (Erich, Frank, , Len & Robert). The wind was very shifty which caused many lead changes. Results are posted here.
I have been excited by all the new faces this year and the turnouts thus far. I hope that we can keep it up in 2012.
The next Sunday is the Hangover Regatta January 1. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year and hope to see you on the water on the 1st.


First Wed Night Sailing, Tomorrow!!

Hello sailors, we are starting our summer Wed night series early this
year. The first night will be tomorrow April 27th. Traditionally the
Albacore fleet organizes the races, but every body is invited. There
are usually a couple Lightnings, Buccs and Lasers every week. This is a
great time for new people to jump on a boat and do some sailing. We
usually start around 6pm and sail until dusk right off the docks and/or
in the cove. Afterward people usually head to one of the restaurants in
Crystal City for dinner and drinks.

Also this Sunday our Spring Sunday series continues. Weather is looking
good so far. Skippers meeting at 10am and afterward drinks and BBQ in
the grill area. If your interested in crewing contact your fleet
captain, or just show up. See you on the water.
