Leukemia Cup Fundraising results!

by Loree Lipstein
September 16, 2009

Hello fabulous Leukemia Cup supporters!

First and foremost, a Big, HUGE, heartfelt THANK YOU to each and everyone of you for your contributions to this year’s Leukemia Cup Regatta.  Whether you sailed, volunteered, fundraised, registered, race committee your participation and time played a part in a very successful and enjoyable weekend for all!  

How about that wind?!!  I am very happy to be able to continue providing that service for you all 🙂  Just keep up that great participation from year to year and it would be my pleasure to continue providing you conditions for great racing 😉  And what about our wonderful band the Cahoots?!  Many asked me to pass on compliments to the band.  Anyone who would like more details or to be in touch with them, their website is: www.cahootsrockandroll.com

Continue reading Leukemia Cup Fundraising results!

Thoughts from Lightning Class Presidents Cup Winner – Frank Gallagher

Want to know how Frank and his team did it? Read on:

We went out the two previous wed night sailings and got in some good practice…especially mark rounding’s with spin up/down..(windward and leeward)…lots of spin jibing…we found ourselves not doing well jibing on deck…so after lots of failed attempts with inside the boat jibes, we finally developed a process that worked well for us… Crew rotation practice…..both Brenna and Mladen do foredeck or middle, so when something goes wrong during the race, both are aware of what’s wrong and how to fix it…(Brenna made a great save when our spin sheet went under the boat during one take down….could have been a catastrophic foul-up…..!!!) We cleaned the boat real well sat morning…got out a little early and got a little practice in…. As for the race itself…nothing too special…we were lucky…but prepared and ready to take advantage of all opportunities on the course We checked the line before the starts…decided where we wanted to start and got mostly good starts and just work our way upwind. There were lots of shifts to play and that helped us catch up several times…..Mladen is foredeck and always looking forward for windshifts, pressure and what other boats are doing…Brenna is middle and looking around beside and behind us for other boats, there angles and speed…

We live by 3 rules in this order……

1…always drive the fastest path to the next mark…(be on the favored tack..)find pressure

2….always trim all sails for max speed….lots of gear changing..ease in light stuff…trim as pressure builds..centerline boom…constantly adjust the spin…always on the edge of a luff….

3….boat balance…fair amount of heal in real light stuff…dead flat in the heavy stuff….anticipate…don’t react…lots of heal to round the leeward mark in light to medium…
And oh yeah….avoid conflict..no boat banging..or killer mistakes like OCS or protests…

And above all we have fun as a team.


2009 Leukemia/President’s Cup Results are Posted!

We had two of the most excellent back-to-back sailing days in recent memory for the 2009 Leukemia/President’s cup regatta.  Thanks to PROs Mike Heinsdorf on the upper course and Jennifer Parrow on the lower course, and their Ace Race Committee members, we got off 6 races in good succession on the upper course and 4 to 6 races on the lower course and got everybody back to the docks in time for the Saturday party and Sunday after-race Picnic. 

 Photos by Cheryl Taylor are here.

Continue reading 2009 Leukemia/President’s Cup Results are Posted!

Presidents / Leukemia Cup Sailing Instructions

The 2009 Presidents/leukemia Cup Sailing Instructions are now available for download/printing:

Click here for the Upper Course Instructions

Click here for the Lower Course Instructions

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Look  for revisions to the NOR and SIs to be posted Saturday Morning as follows:  LASERS sail Upper Course, Saturday Only; Other small (lower course) boats sail in the cove.

3rd Annual Santa Sail

This in from Keith Strasser:Santa Sail in Baltimore

For the past three years a PRSA member, found a way to promote our sport and help others. attached here are the two flyers from this year and below is a cut out from the write up in the Baltimore Sun. Every event each year all sailors are invited. It started as a Hobie Cat ride but that is not set in stone. If you search our PRSA Yahoo Group message you can find the PDF on the 1st year and 2nd year just for reference.

  Continue reading 3rd Annual Santa Sail

2009 President’s/Leukemia Cup Regatta Notice Of Race

      The 2009 Presidents & Leukemia Cup is coming up very soon, on September 12/13, 2009. See below for the NOR for the event. To Register for the PRESIDENTS CUP (all One Design Racers must enter the Presidents Cup)  go here for the PRSA online registration form.   See who is coming. Please note that to enter the LEUKEMIA CUP you may go here to register, and you must register for the President’s Cup. Its easy just raise a minimum of $100.00 to enter. Of course we are all raising lots of money for this years Leukemia Cup event in the name of one of our own who is fighting the disease right now. 

 Here is the NOR: 

Continue reading 2009 President’s/Leukemia Cup Regatta Notice Of Race