Tag Archives: PRSA

President’s/Leukemia Cup Wrap-Up

I just wanted to pass along the final fundraising total, along with a big “thank you!” from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society for those who raced, raised funds, and generally supported the LLS mission at the 2012 President’s/Leukemia Cup.  All told, we helped the LLS raise $142,000 in support of their work to research and cure blood cancers!  Many thanks to all of the PRSA sailors who raised funds in support of this fine cause, and congratulations to anybody who braved the conditions on Saturday to race on the first day of the President’s/Leukemia Cup.

For those boats that raised funds and also raised on Saturday, the LLS Racing Awards (based on Saturday’s racing results) will be presented at the 2012 PRSA AGM.


Fall Series #2 Results

It was a beautiful fall day that greeted us as we got boats ready for racing on Sunday. Sunny with puffy clouds that brought puffy winds. The breeze was mostly out of the Northwest 4-11kts with some gusts, but the shifts were big. From the Committee boat we noted that the big puffs came down from the north in a right shift, and the lulls sometimes came from due west. It looked like, for the most part, it paid to protect the right side for the puffs (Although sometimes that would prove to be a mistake). We set up a long WL course and got started on time. My course was maybe a bit too long since the race took just a little over an hour to finish. For the second race we shortened up, and maybe got it too short since that race was finished in about 35 minutes. So we adjusted once again splitting the difference and this time got it right, and got two more races at about 45 minutes each. We finished the last race down wind at the leeward mark to give the racers a head start for home. In all ten Lightnings (Add three more who were on RC for a season record thirteen Lightnings on the water), Four Albacores, Four Cats, and two Buccaneers came out to play on what might be the most beautiful day of the Fall Series. We also had two Lasers show up for the last race (177053 & 173175), which was won by 177053. The rest of the scores after the break:

Continue reading Fall Series #2 Results

Fall Series #1 Results

The forecast was grim: 0-3 from everywhere… Most of the boats had to be towed up to the course… It wasn’t looking good at all… Then all of a sudden a breeze came up and we sailed. The mostly Lightning RC (Thanks for joining us Wilda), headed up by Frank Gallagher, quickly set up a nice Olympic course for us and got 3 races in before calling it a day. The breeze slowly built to 5-10 knots and came generally out of the NW with some big left and right shifts through the afternoon. In fact one such shift occurred during the start sequence in the first race forcing the entire Lightning fleet to start on port tack. On the course you were in big trouble if you got caught on the wrong end of one of those shifts. In all 9 Lightnings, 4 Albacores, 4 Buccaneers, 2 Cats, and 1 lone Laser came out to play on what turned out to be a terrific day. Scores after the break:

Continue reading Fall Series #1 Results

2012 President’s/Leukemia Cup: What A Blast!

Saturday saw breezes of 15-20 kts with gusts to 30.  Rigs came down, boats were upside down, and crews were swimming.  Thankfully everybody made it through safe and sound and we were all on shore when the storm front (with 50+ kt winds!) hit.  Unfortunately, that storm meant that the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society had to shut down the party before fundraising and racing awards were handed out and before the raffle and silent auction winners were announced.  We’ll pass along updated information from the LLS as soon as we receive it, including any information concerning prizes or awards you may have won if you were fundraising for LLS.

Sunday ended up being a gorgeous day with a 10-12 kt NW breeze, wonderful sunshine, and great racing.  The RC did a great job in getting us four races and we all enjoyed a nice BBQ after the racing.  Make sure to post your own comments and recollections from the weekend below!

President’s/Leukemia Cup Results

Register now for the 2012 President’s/Leukemia Cup!

Online pre-registration for the 2012 President’s/Leukemia Cup is now up and running!  You can pre-register your boat and, if you wish to raise funds to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, simply indicate this preference on the PRSA pre-registration form.  The regatta will be held on September 8-9 this year.  We’ve posted the link to the PRSA pre-registration form, a list of key dates, and all the rest of the relevant info to the President’s/Leukemia Cup page.  You can also access this information by clicking the “President’s/Leukemia Cup” link above on the top navigation menu.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact your PRSA Rep to the LLS, Aaron Boesenecker.

Spring Series #8 Results

It was a crazy day on the river last Sunday. Don’t like the wind direction? Just wait a minute, it will change. Don’t like the velocity? That too will change! Sheesh! Len Guenther and the Lasers did a nice job with what they had and got 4 races off for the 8 Lightnings, 4 Albacores, 3 Cats, and 2 Buccaneers that came out for the punishment I mean fun. Here are the scores:

Albacore Spring 8 060312

Buccaneer Spring 8 060312

Cat Spring 8 060312

Lightning Spring 8 060312

Spring Series #7 Results

Another week and another wild and wacky day on the Potomac. The forecast this week was NE 5-10 and partly cloudy skies. Anyone who was down at the marina on Saturday would have been more likely to expect variable 0 – 3, which were the conditions that day. What did we get Sunday? ENE – NE – E 10-15 with gusts later in the day in the low 20’s. At least they got the partly cloudy right! In fact, on the way up to the race course, my crew and I noted that half the sky was absolutely clear, and the other half was totally cloudy. That makes partly cloudy I guess… Anyway, if you were out there on Sunday you were sure to have a good time. The RC made up in brains what they lacked in man power, which was a good thing since only three people showed up to run races. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?!? Jim Graham did a great job for us racers, setting up a WL course in the mouth of the Annacostia, and getting off four good races before sending everyone home. Eight Lightnings, two Albacores, and four Cats came out to play on this great day. Here are the scores:

Albacore Spring #7 052012

Open Cat Spring #7 052012

Lightning Spring #7 052012

Spring Series #5 and #6 Results

I have been away the last couple of weeks so I can’t comment on sailing conditions and such, but here are the scores you have been waiting for:

Spring Series #5:

Open Cats Spring Series #5 050612


Spring Series #6:

Buccaneer Spring Series #6 051312

Open Cats Spring Series #6 051312

Lightning Spring Series #6 051312

Spring Series #4 Results

Well it was a nice day at least… Sunday came with sunny skies and a forecast of 5-10 from the Northwest. Sounds perfect doesn’t it? Would have been if the breeze (and I use that term loosely) had ever once come from the NW. Instead we got 0-4 from almost every other direction on the compass. The pain factor was very high. Eight Lightnings, five Cats, two Bucc’s, and a lone Albacore came out for the fun and games. The Race Committee, headed by Mike Heinsdorf did the best they could under the circumstances – hats off for a valiant effort – and got two races in before showing mercy to the drifting masses and sending them home. Here are the scores:

Albacore Spring 4 042912

Buccaneer Spring 4 042912

Cat Spring 4 042912

Lightning Spring 4 042912

Spring Series #3 Scores

Well it may have looked miserable outside to most of us, but the sailing conditions were reputedly excellent… FOR A DUCK! 🙂 Winds were North 13-16 with some gusts. Clouds were grey, temps in the low 50’s and the rain was wet. While most of us were staying warm and dry yesterday, 5 Lightning nutjobs intrepid sailors were out on the course for some racing. The Race Committee, headed up by Eric Hakanson, braved the elements and got three races off before coming to their senses calling it a day. Here are the scores:

Lightning Spring 3 042212