2010 Presidents / Leukemia Cup NOR

The Presidents Cup is coming up next week! Wow, what happened to the summer? It flew by, and here we are ready to kick off the Falls series with the annual Presidents Cup Regatta. I sure hope everyone is planning to attend. Its also that time to raise money and awareness for the Leukemia Society, so get out there and find some donations! 🙂 Anyway, I am a little late getting the NOR up on the site, but better late than never! See the NOR after the break:

Continue reading 2010 Presidents / Leukemia Cup NOR

Video of The Week: Russ Roberts racing his Lightning single handed

Any sailor will tell you, that sailing single handed is a particular skill, sailing single handed while flying the Spinnaker is really something, but RACING single handed is the thing that separates the men from the boys. On May 2, 2010 a Russ Roberts did just that. In a fleet of 25 Lightnings, he took them all on by himself. You go dude!

President’s/Leukemia Cup Regatta

Calling all skippers, crew, and PRSA members and CBYRA sailing clubs of past, present, and future!!!

On behalf of the Potomac River Sailing Association (PRSA), I’m pleased to invite everyone and inform all classes that the President’s Cup and Leukemia Cup Regatta is right around the corner. Do you have your crew lined up yet? Have you registered yet? Have you been practicing so that you can win this PRSA signature event? Make sure you don’t miss out—block September 11-12 on your calendar today! Typical nominal entry fees are required but support of the Leukemia Society is encouraged. On Saturday after sailing, Terry Hutchison of Olympic fame will speak.

This regatta will also be a celebration of PRSA’s 75th anniversary (1935). How do sailors celebrate? We throw parties, and the PRSA 75th anniversary party will be even bigger than normal. In addition to the always excellent Leukemia Cup Regatta party following sailing Saturday night, we’ll also have a party after sailing on Sunday–which will be a Cajun feast of grilled sausages, muffuletta pasta, red beans and rice (both meat & veggie versions), and sides—as well as a keg, soda, and water before the trophy presentation. Rumor has it we’ll also have a classic rock cover band Sunday night. Sounds like a great time to me!

Even if you can’t sail in the regatta (though no excuses are good excuses), at least don’t miss the Saturday party and Sunday PRSA birthday party!

Click here for registration info:


Message From Our Commodore

Dear PRSA sailors,

PRSA urgently requests your membership renewals. As of July 2010 we are 26 paid members short of July 2009’s paid membership. What this means: For the year starting January we have spent exactly what we have collected. Last year at this time, we had $1,500.00 cash on hand in the operating budget for the upcoming fall 2009 expenses. At the moment we do not have the money in our operating budget for fall 2010 slip fee renewal, fuel and routine boat maintenance. Our expenses for this year have not changed dramatically, so our income issue is definitely membership renewals and not any unusual expense.

It is not my intention to sound dire, but this will be a definite warning sign for PRSA if we don’t renew and/or build memberships very soon.

If we receive your dues PRSA will be maintaining status quo. As all of you are aware PRSA’s participation has been slack and new member acquisition is off. Traditionally, we have been able to replace members as fast as they move on. Recently, perhaps due to the country’s economic distress, this has not been the case. So when I say status quo, I mean hanging on, and not depleting our resources until better days return. Better days will return, but probably not by the time our fall expenses come due.

Please renew, and consider the Commodore’s Club for donation (any amount helps). Encourage your crew members to renew or become members, or consider renewing on your their behalf.

Thank you for your attention,

Pat McGee

To renew: http://www.potomacriversailing.org/applications/membership/MembershipApplication.php (if you wish to mail your renewal the address is at the end of completing the form)

To check if you’ve paid (the url page is called 2009 but the information is current):

P.S. PRESIDENT’S CUP — More info will come but I would like everyone to sail this President’s Cup Regatta, as it is our 75th annual. If you absolutely cannot race, please try to stop by Sunday for the party. We will officially be celebrating our 75th year at the Sunday President’s Cup Regatta awards gathering. Rumor has it Cajun will be served with the keg.

Sunday, July 4 at Washington Sailing Marina!

The usual July 4th restrictions will be in place, as follows: there will be a police check point at the entrance to the marina beginning early morning on the 4th. Police will search and confiscate any alcohol, fireworks or firearms you may have. NO EXCEPTIONS for slipholders.  Marina staff will set up a second checkpoint around 2 PM. They will be checking for valid parking passes. If you have not picked up your passes for this season please do so before the 4th. If you would like a guest pass please stop by the office. The office is open 9 – 6 seven days a week. Traffic on the Parkway will be a nightmare. If you want a hassle free holiday, show up as early as possible.  As always grilling is prohibited on marina grounds as well as on boats docked at the marina. For questions, contact the marina at wsm@guestservices.com, 703-548-9027.

Spring Series #8, 06/06/10 Results

Sorry all for the delay in getting these scores up. Thats what happens when you get married and go away on a honeymoon. 🙂 Well, the wedding is behind me and the honeymoon was great, so now its time to buckle down and get busy. Today I have those last scores for you, but stay tuned over the next couple of weeks. I have some video of the Doc Gilbert I am working on that will be ready soon. In the meantime I hope everyone is getting out on the water for some sailing. I plan to get Ariel out this week for my first time in weeks.



Scores after the break:

Continue reading Spring Series #8, 06/06/10 Results

PRSA Spring Series # 8 Sunday, June 6 – Last One for Spring Series!

Updated June 7 — 

Albacores did RC. The AccuWeather forecast called for mostly cloudy skies, a high of 91 degrees, and westerly winds at 19 – 22 MPH. A few thunderstorms were possible, some severe. The river flow was below normal for this time of year, at 6.310 CFS (gage height 3.5 ft) and the water had warmed to 82 degrees.  Low tide was at 10:34 AM and high tide at 4:21 PM.  Actual winds were from the SSW at 13 MPH up until 2:30 PM when a front came through, kicking up 29 MPH winds with gusts to 45.  PRO Nathan Marsh and his crack Albacore RC set up an Olympic course with the leeward mark close to (but outside) the channel near the green channel mark off East Potomac Park, and got off four races in quick succession, for the 7 Lightings, 2 Buccs, one Albacore and one Hobie that sailed.  All but 4 Lightnings had retired by the end of race 3 and were back at the docks before the front came through. For the four (Nabeel; Rick; Pat; and Peter Lallas) there was a wild ride home after race 4, but they all made it back without capsizing.  Results to be posted soon.

PRSA Spring Regatta 2010 Saturday and Sunday, May 29 – 30

Updated 5/31/10 — The PRSA Spring regatta, our Memorial Day Weekend major event, has come and gone!  Saturday brought us an overcast morning that slowly cleared, temperatures in the mid 70s, and calm winds until Noon.  PRO Nabeel Alsalam wisely postponed, from the docks, the departure until 11:45, and by the time we got to the race course we had a very nice southerly, blowing 7 – 10 MPH.  Nabeel got off 3 great Olympic course races for the 7 Lightings, 4 Buccs, 17 Albacores, 4 Hobies and a Thistle who came out. On the Lower Course we had 3 Optis and 2 Penguins.  Sunday brought us a promising start with sunny skies, northerly winds at 5 – 10 MPH that unfortunately went light and variable as the day went on, and we gave up on the day at 3 PM at the end of the second race (which not everybody finished, due to a time limit expiration).  Upper Course Results here.  Lower Course Results here.

Our sincere thanks to the regatta organizing committee and to the PRSA members who worked this regatta.  They include: PROs Nabeel Alsalam (upper course) and Jennifer Parrow (lower course); Race Committee drivers and helpers  Ryan Vear, Stefano de Leo, Red Fehrle, Craig Huzway, Anna Lindel, Elaine Duffe, Inga Barkane, Linda Pacelli, John Hart, Annie Cross, Bill Swanson, Kate Dixon, Steve Parsons, and Thomas Jagodits; Registration workers Will Phillippe, Jeff Neurauter, Happy Olmstead, Wilda Heiss, Steve Parsons, and Barb Thompson;  Planning the post-race barbeque and bringing food and beer: Pat McGee and Scott Snyder; producing the NOR and SIs, and acquiring trophies, scorekeeping, recruiting RC, and Boat Duty, Nabeel Alsalam.  Well done!

Per PRSA Commodore Pat McGee:  Starting Saturday morning many members just kicked in.  I was really pleased by the amount of general pitching in.  I could not move more than a few steps without someone offering to help.  It made me very pleased with our membership.  Maybe this is explained by our having shrunk into a core group (family). I owe all of you  all a big thank you. I can’t thank you guys enough for just picking things up and making it all happen.  Get’er done mentality.  Nabeel – RC — great decisions – sitting on the docks for 90 minutes Sat., I know you were getting some pressured commentary – Great work!