First Sunday Series, Next Training Event Wed

We had a good turn out last night and a good 2 hours of interesting discussion of the racing rules of sailing. Big thanks to Erich for leading the discussion.

This Sunday is our first Spring Series event, the weather is looking to be good so far. As of today its supposed to be warm (high 50F’s) and fairly windy (14mph). Skippers meeting is at 10am. We’ll be grilling dogs and drinking some beers after racing so plan on sticking around afterwards.

This coming Wed will be our next training event. Barney Harris, local sailor, curmudgeon, boat builder and cocker spaniel lover will be leading a discussion Wed the 6th on local knowledge of the Potomac River. Barney has been sailing on the river since at least the mid 1980’s and has numorus International and National championships under his belt. This is an excellent opportunity for you and your crew to learn some of the nuances and local knowledge of the river from a long time (and some what eccentric) local sailor. Same location, Indigo Landing restaurant, same time 7pm. Hope to see you there and on the water Sunday.


Sailing Season is Starting!

This Wednesday the 30th is going to be our second onshore training
event. Erich Hesse will lead a discussion on racing rules simplified.
Come on out and bring your crew, this is a great opportunity to get up to speed on the rules of racing. This event is open to the public and is free so tell all your friends and co-workers who might be interested.

Then this Sunday April 3rd kicks off our first Spring Series. We will
be having a BBQ social event after sailing. PRSA will supply hot dogs
and beer. Would be nice if we could have some volunteers bring some additional food such as chips/dip, chili, corn bread, potato salad or anything else. So plan on hanging out after racing. Cross your fingers that we’ll have good weather. See you on the water.


Laser Frostbite 1/30/2011

Fourteen people showed up to take part in a 40 degree day on the last Sunday of January. The wind was from the east-northeast starting out light to variable in the last race. Erich Hesse and Ridley Nelson set up a windward-leeward course in the cove with the starting line within a stone’s throw of the Mount Vernon bike path. The winner of the day was Nabeel Alsalam and his winner’s write-up below. We had one new boat owner join us for the first time, Justin Pollack, who bought a boat that has been sitting at the marina. Justin had a good day after a long hiatus from Laser sailing and finished 2nd overall. We also had a friend of Alex Jacob, Shawn Golden, join us and they both showed the older/heavier people how to do it in the light air.

Here is a cool shot by Erich of Nabeel ghosting toward the finish. (Click to enlarge)

Continue reading Laser Frostbite 1/30/2011

PRSA Hangover Regatta – January 1, 2011

What a day! We had our biggest Laser regatta ever today, 33 boats. Thanks to all that traveled to join us to help us push over the 30 boats mark. The weather could not have been better with temps in the 50’s and a south breeze 7-12 mph. We sailed in the river with the current coming in throughout the racing. There were 5 races.

Tim Zimmerman was untouchable with four firsts in five races and won the regatta handily.

Special thanks to our RC for the day Nabeel Alsalam, Rob Young, Collette Bolton, Mike Heinsdorf & Tom Berlin. Thanks also to Adam Dolezal who provided hot dogs for those who stuck around after racing.

— Erich (Laser Fleet Captain)

Some of the 2011 Hangover Regatta Sailors

Continue reading PRSA Hangover Regatta – January 1, 2011

Albacore 2010 Video Mashup

Check out the Some great shots of Albacores in anything from 10-30 knots of breeze from Sarasota, the Chesapeake and Canada.  Some great shots and commentary of Barney Harris, local Albacore sailor and current World Champion.  But will he be able to defend the Championship in the 2011 Internationals in Toronto, Canada?  Watch for the encore presentation after the credits.

PRSA Party This Saturday November 20th

PRSA Awards Banquet and Annual General Meeting 2010
Saturday November 20
Party Room of the Marina Towers Apartments

$25 per person(same as usual), pay at the door

6:30 PM – 9:00 PM

Directions: From the Washington Sailing Marina, go south on GW parkway towards Alexandria. Stay to the right and take the Slaters Lane exit. (It is the first exit you come to). Turn left onto Slaters Lane from the ramp. This will take you across the parkway. Go through the intersection and past the first buildings and look for the high rise on the left. That is the building. It is only five minutes from the marina.

Go to the Front desk, sign in and ask where the PRSA Party is. They will direct you to the party room.