Category Archives: 2012

Laser Frostbite Day #2, 11/25

Seventeen boats came out for Day #2.  The wind started out lighter than forecast and then picked up to forecast about 10-12 mph.  It started out west-southwest and shifted south-southwest half way through the day.  Len and Barb Guenther set a windward-leeward course out in the river.  The current was the opposite of last week (coming in all day) and I believe played a big factor in the racing today more on that later.  There was some big debris/speed bumps (tree trunks) out in the river causing some to fall out of their boats and other to stop for a minute.  If you have not made it out yet this season it has been near perfect sailing conditions and just in luck for you we sail again next Sunday same time same place.  Keith Barron and William Kruse will be providing the RC.
Full scores are posted on the website here:

Click here for week #2 Scores


Laser Frostbite Day #1, 11/18

It was a beautiful day to be on the water.  If you could order up breeze like this every day that would be great.  The wind turned out to be more than forecast from the low teens with some gust in the high teens from the north-northeast and east.  The current was going out all day.  It was a shifty day but Justin Pollack and Jim Klein set a windward-leeward course which they did not have to adjust much during the day.  Twenty-two boats came out with three boats being the first day sailing with us.  Bob Gotthardt took the day for the newbies to the fleet with an eleventh overall.  Making it to the top ten was an accomplishment as a lot of the top guns came out to sail today.
Results posted on the website (Thanks Farley and Scott).
We sail again next Sunday with the Guenthers providing the RC.  Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

2012 PRSA Annual General Meeting

Greetings Sailors, its hard to believe that the season is already over
(or just starting for the Lasers)… Fast approaching is our Annual
General Meeting which is being held Nov 17th at Marina Towers. We will
be passing out awards for the Spring/Fall series, Spring/President’s Cup
Regatta and our perpetual awards at the meeting. We also have some new
perpetual awards I’m told. We will also be electing our Executive
Board. There is an opening on the Executive Board for a Rear
Commodore. We need all the help we can get running this organization
and this is a great opportunity for you to have a say in PRSA’s future.
The Rear Commodore is responsible for our racing activities. If you are
interested or would like to nominate someone please let me know. Also
we are planning on doing something different for food this year, more to
come later. If your planning on coming please goto the link below and
let us know so we can plan food and drinks accordingly. Hope to see you
there. Thanks

Sign Up

Who’s Coming:

2012 Spring Regatta

On Saturday, a solid southerly breeze blew all day long and built a bit toward the end of the day. The four fleets on the upper course (Haines point) got 4 nice longish windward-leeward races. The Laser and Penguin fleets on the lower course (cove) got 8 races.

Lee, Michelle, and Mike H. put together a very special BBQ featuring pulled pork and Yuengling on tap.

On Sunday, we had more of the same wind! Amazing. For the last two races, we (the RC) stretched the course out so that it took the lead boat just under an hour to finish.

Here are the results — preliminary in case people see mistakes that need correction:

Albacore Results

Buccaneers Results

Catamarans Results

Lightnings Results

Barney Harris was skipper over 50 who beat the most boats — 10 of them.

Both Daphne Byron and Kyra Tallon were woman skippers who beat the most boats — 4 each. However, Daphen wins the tiebreaker by sailing in the larger fleet.

Lower course:

Laser results – all 8 races

Laser results – 6 races per NOR

Spring Series #1 & #2 Scores

I was out of town for the first Spring Series day, so I am a little behind in posting these scores. This past weekend was great, and if you missed it, well you missed it. Temps were in the low 80’s and the winds were south 10-15. Conditions don’t get better than that on our river. The Race Committee for week 2 was ably headed up by Bob Astrove and a mostly Lightning crew of assistants. It was nice to see Bill Buck out there lending a hand as well. 6 Lightnings, 5 Albacores, 4 Hobies, and 4 Buccaneers came out to play and were all glad they did. Scores after the break:

Continue reading Spring Series #1 & #2 Scores