Tag Archives: Results

2021 Fall Series 1

A beautiful day for sailing.  SSW breezes at about 10-12 with higher gusts to later in the day to challenge the sailors.

Pictures!  Steen and Andres on the mark boat came in close to take those high resolution pictures. Selected ones are posted on the PRSA Facebook group.

Farley Will and team took advantage of our southerly and gave us 4 LONG windward-leeward races.   Thanks, Farley!

Those of you who have new sail numbers, I added it as an alternate sail number under your Spring Series registration.  The results below will show your Spring Series sail number.







Spring Series #4 – May 4, 2014

With the Lightnings out for Doc Gilbert, we had a lighter than normal turnout.  But the weather still provided us with a very fun day of sailing.  Temps were in the low 70s and winds out of the west ranging from 10 mph to 25 mph and gusts up to 35 mph.  PRO Jim Graham was able to get in 5 races using a new “Figure Four” course that Barney Harris came up with.  We did 1, 2 and 3 lap races.  The course is a modified triangle that provides long hot angle reaching legs, one of which rounds the start pin to starboard and provides a downwind leg.  We ended up with 3 Albacores, 1 Bucc, and 1 Laser making it out for the races.  The course provided some awesome reaching legs with lots of planing.


2014 Spring Series 4 – Albacores

2014 Spring Series – Albacores Cumulative Through #4

Spring Series #3 – April 27, 2014

Sunday (April 27th) was a beautiful spring day. The breeze was from the northwest. It was patchy and would turn off and then on to as much as 15 mph, but, hey, that’s the river. I often saw good breeze in the middle and so tried to work it but when the breeze died it always came in first from the left so people who set themselves up near the airport always gained.

Jim Antonovich, Marc Carre, and Bob Etheridge ran the races. The first race was a long W3 and gave us all ample opportunity to look very smart and then very dumb as we tried to figure out the patchy wind.

The first two links below are to Sunday’s race results. The other two, I believe, are the cumulative results for the series where each day counts as one “race”. We didn’t have any races on Spring Series #1 but everyone present will get their average position in the other days they sail as redress and that should help them get the required days sailed to qualify.

– Nabeel

2014 Spring Series 3 – Albacores

2014 Spring Series 3 – Lightnings

2014 Spring Series – Albacores Cumulative Through #3

2014 Spring Series – Lightnings Cumulative Through #3