PRSA Spring Regatta: May 27-28

The NOR for the PRSA Spring Regatta (May 27-28) has been posted and registration is now open.  Visit the regatta website and register by May 21 to take advantage of the early registration discount.  Once you’ve registered, help us spread the word about the regatta!

We have partnered with DC Sail once again to organize a spectator cruise aboard the American Spirit on Saturday of the Spring Regatta.  Spectator cruise tickets are $20/person (or $25 for a combined cruise and Saturday dinner ticket).  Tickets can be purchased via the regatta website.  We have also posted complete details on the cruise in the “race documents” area on the regatta website.

2017 Spring Series #5 – May 14

The RC (Jim Antonovich, Leigh Boyle and Yates Dowell) ran three races in the cove today with winds typically about 12 out of the NNW with frequent higher gusts.  The wind oscillated between W and N every few minutes all day.  We got off the course early before the really hard gusts came in.  A beautiful sunny day.

The Lightnings were at Leesylvania for their 33rd Doc Gilbert Potomac Cup Regatta


2017 Doc Gilbert Results – Lightnings

PRSA Rookie Regatta May 7th 2017

PRSA sailors, this is the weekend to bring your friends out sailing and show them how much fun racing can be. Our regular spring racing series is suspended this week in order to hold our rookie regatta. Bring new friends out or let your crew take the helm.  As always there will be an apres-sail pot-luck picnic at the grill. See you Sunday!

SIs are  here

Results:  Unfortunately, the wind was gusty.  Only two or three boats wanted to try racing in those conditions and one of them capsized.  So PRO Kyra Tallon cancelled the racing.

2017 Spring Series #3 – April 23

We got more practice in light air sailing which seems to require 1) patience and 2) and zen with the wind and current. The wind was loosely speaking from the northeast and after dying it usually, but not always, came back from the east. In the Lightning class, Bob Astrove showed off how good he is in these light conditions.


Marine Weather Seminar This Week!

Please join us this Wednesday evening, April 5th, to hear NOAA meteorologist Bryan Jackson discuss how  NOAA develops marine weather forecasts, and how you can best access this information.

We will be meeting at Heavy Seas Alehouse in Arlington, 1501 Wilson Blvd, Arlington, VA. Come straight back to the party room.

Socializing starts at 6:00 pm, Seminar begins at 7:00 pm.

We hope to see you there!!