2014 AGM Wrap-Up

It was great to see so many fleet members at the 2014 PRSA Annual General Meeting and Awards Banquet!  A very special thanks to Lee for all of the work that she did in preparing our amazing feast, and to Dave for allowing us to use the Potomac Room at Marina Towers for the event.

The Executive Board report indicated that the state of the Association is good, with membership higher in all categories than in 2013.  At the same time, we need to do more work in getting our  members out on the water (sailing participation in the fall series was down a bit, in particular) and we need to start thinking about the powerboats and engines as we approach 10 years of usage on our skiffs and outboards.  The PRSA Executive Board will consider these questions as part of their regular meetings in 2015 and report back to the Association at the 2015 AGM and Awards Banquet.

Please join me in congratulating the recipients of our PRSA Perpetual Awards as well as the volunteers who will serve on the PRSA Executive Board in 2015.  I’ve listed these individuals below, and included links farther down to the AGM agenda and the summary of race highlights for each fleet in our major sailing events.

2015 PRSA Perpetual Award Winners

  • Founder’s Trophy: Jeff Neurauter
  • Fleet Captain’s Award: Michael Heinsdorf
  • Yates Dowell III Award: Nabeel Alsalam
  • Nabeel Alsalam Award: Lee Sayasithsena

2015 PRSA Executive Board

  • Commodore: Aaron Boesenecker
  • Vice Commodore: Nabeel Alsalam
  • Rear Commodore: Farley Will
  • Treasurer: Yates Dowell
  • Secretary: Nich Allen
  • Social Activities & Outreach (co-chair): Lee Sayasithsena
  • Social Activities & Outreach (co-chair): Lisa-Marie Lane
  • Member at Large: Stew Harris

2014 PRSA AGM & Awards Banquet Agenda

2014 PRSA Racing Results

Fall Series #8

Today provided some nice weather and we were able to get in a few races.  2 Albacores, 3 multihulls and 2 Lightnings showed up.  The breeze began to build by 10:30 and stayed until about 12:30.  The last race was cut short due to lack of wind.  Many thanks go to Yates Dowell and his RC for stepping up and volunteering this week.  Scores are below.

2014 Fall Series 8 – Albacores

2014 Fall Series 8 – Catamarans

2014 Fall Series 8 – Lightnings

Final Fall Series scores are below.





Fall Series #7

Yet again we were given another windy day.  This time with cold temperatures.  Two brave Albacores came down to the marina but the decision was made to attempt a practice day instead of running races. Also as it turns out, the water level of the river was too shallow to launch the crash boats from the ramp.  After launching the 16 and 1 Albacore, the decision was shortly made to cancel the “practice” and call it a day.

The last series of the fall is next weekend.  In order to sail, we need to have someone sign up for RC!  Also there are several boats that need 1 more day to qualify for the fall.  Check your Series scores and make the decision to come out next week.

2014 Fall Series – Albacore

2014 Fall Series – Buccaneer

2014 Fall Series – Catamarans

2014 Fall Series – Lightnings

Fall Series #6: Breezy Fun!

It was already blowing in the 10-15 range when we arrived at the marina on Sunday, and the forecast was for the wind to build towards 20 mph steady with gusts predicted up to 30.  That forecast may have kept some teams away, but 4 Lightnings, a Buc, and a Laser did splash their boats and the Hobie Cat RC crew led by Yates agreed to set up shorter courses (they had little choice with a WNW wind) and keep a close eye on everybody.    The wind did continue to build as we sailed up to the race course, and we definitely saw some gusts in the 20s in the first race according to the handheld wind readings taken aboard the signal boat.  One Lightning retired before the racing started, another (sailing doublehanded) retired after the first race, and the remaining two called it a day after the second race, choosing to sail home rather than keep match racing and possibly breaking something.  We saw some even bigger gusts and some fantastic rides on a plane on the sail back to the marina and everybody enjoyed some hot dogs and drinks after we dried out our boats (and selves).

2014 Fall Series 6 – Lightnings

PRSA Email List Moving to Google

We are moving our email list from Yahoo! over to Google Groups.  This is our new group:


If you’d like stay on the email list, please click on the link above to send us a join request (assuming you have not already been sent an invitation or subscribed).  To send an email the new list, simply send a message to potomacriversailing@googlegroups.com.

We hope to see you on the new list!

2014 Fall Series #5

Fall Series #5 provided us with a very windy day.  Mostly out of the northeast with some big shifts out of the east.  Mostly sustained around 18 but gusts up to 30.  However it did not seem as windy as that.  Lloyd Leonard and crew put on 4 races for the 3 of us that made it out.  Barney Harris, Jeff Neurauter, and Farley Will went out.  Jeff headed in during the second race after capsizing.  But there were only 2 capsizes for the day which was pretty good considering the conditions.  Barney took the day.

2014 Annual General Meeting & Awards Banquet

The 2014 PRSA Annual General Meeting and Awards Banquet will be held on Saturday, November 15, 7-9 pm, in the party room at Marina Towers.  Dinner will cost $20 per person (pay at the door) and will feature beef roast, chicken, vegetable dishes, sides, and assorted beverages.   This is always a great chance to see everybody and reminisce about another year of great sailing, so I hope to see you there!  Please sign up here to let us know whether you will be attending.

 2014 PRSA AGM & Awards Banquet Agenda

2014 PRSA Racing Results

Directions: From the Washington Sailing Marina, go south on GW parkway towards Alexandria. Stay to the right and take the Slaters Lane exit. (It is the first exit you come to). Turn left onto Slaters Lane from the ramp. This will take you across the parkway. Go through the intersection and past the first buildings and look for the high rise on the left. That is the building. It is only five minutes from the marina.  When you arrive, please go to the front desk, sign in and ask where the PRSA Party is. They will direct you to the party room.

Fall Series #4

The wind was once again a bit fluky, but  5 Lightnings made their way up to the course along with Jim Antonovich on a cat and Jeff Neurauter in the Buc class.  PRO Kyra Tallon and her crew did a good job in getting us some racing in the light and variable ENE breeze.  This meant some Olympic courses again, so boathandling was at a premium (especially for those Lightnings who were doublehanding).  A good time was had by all and afterwards we all enjoyed a cookout on a beautiful afternoon.

2014 Fall Series 4 – Lightnings

Fall Series #3

The wacky west wind made its first appearance this fall for Fall Series #3.  It certainly proved challenging to the RC and all the sailors, but PRO Frank Gallagher and his crew did a great job in setting, re-setting, and re-setting the course again throughout the day (aided by some sailors moving marks as well!) to keep up with the changing wind directions.  The breeze never settled down, and it seemed like we saw wind from just about every point on the compass!  Nonetheless, we got in some great racing on O2 and courses.  The reach legs kept folks sharp (especially boats trying to fly the spinnaker) and at the end of the day we all enjoyed a great day on the river.


Scores are below

2014 Fall Series 3 – Albacores

2014 Fall Series 3 – Buccaneers

2014 Fall Series 3 – Catamarans

2014 Fall Series 3 – Inland 20

2014 Fall Series 3 – Lightnings

PRSA Fall Series #1

There sure wasn’t much wind when we showed up at the marina on Sunday…and there was far less wind (read: none!) as we towed boats up to the racing area.  Thankfully for the eight Albacores, four Lightnings, and the lone Buc came out to play the breeze did fill in as forecast such that we were able to get 3 races after a bit of a delay.  I was PRO for the day, assisted by Lee, Lisa-Marie, and Jim (great job crew!). You can keep reading for some of the details that I observed on the signal boat.  Jim and Lisa-Marie Lane took some great photos of the racing (thanks!!!).

Continue reading PRSA Fall Series #1