Tag Archives: Flying Scot Class

PRSA President’s Cup: September 18-19

Join the Potomac River Sailing Association to race in the largest one-design regatta on the Potomac with the National Capitol and monuments as a backdrop, and to carry on the tradition of competitive one-design racing that started with the 1934 President’s Cup!  The 2021 PRSA President’s Cup Regatta will be held on September 18 & 19 at Washington Sailing Marina.  Please visit the Regatta Website – https://www.regattanetwork.com/event/23128 – to view the NOR and register.  All one-design classes 20 feet or under are invited.

This year we have a flat fee registration for each boat ($40 for regatta participation only).  Please note that tickets for Saturday ‘s post-race BBQ are not included in the registration fee.  BBQ tickets for Saturday evening for each person (skipper and crew, as well as any friends/family that might join you) must be purchased separately as part of your registration or via the “Online Storefront” area on the Regatta Network website.   Please make sure to purchase BBQ tickets for your entire boat — skipper and crew — as well as any family/friends/visitors in advance so we can be sure to have sufficient food on hand!
Early registration ends on September 1, so register now to take advantage of the early registration discount and to let us know that you’ll be coming!

DISC “Three Bridges Fiasco Race” (June 26)

On June 26 DISC will be holding a “Three Bridges Fiasco” race on the Potomac & Anacostia.  All PRSA boats/classes are invited.  The race will take you to government marks near each of the 3 bridges that we can sail to, in any order of your choosing, after starting at Red N6 (in the river just north of Old Town Alexandria).  The race will be scored using Portsmouth Yardstick Scoring.

Per the NOR and SIs, please contact DISC Officers via officers@discsailing.org with any questions about DISC racing or these Race Instructions.

PRSA Spring Series Racing Underway!

Our PRSA Spring Series starts on Sunday, April 11!  Please make sure you’ve read through the following information and completed the necessary steps so that you are ready to get out on the water as our PRSA Spring Series starts.

  • Sign the 2021 PRSA COVID-19 Acknowledgement of Risk & Waiverhttps://forms.gle/xKAAkXm7gh7xZanB6.  Although things are looking better, we are still in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic and some areas (including some places in our own area) are seeing upticks in cases and community spread.  All participance’s — competitors and RC members — are required to sign this waiver in order to participate in PRSA Activities.  You must sign the new 2021 waiver (the prior waiver for fall 2020 and 2020-2021 frostbite racing is no longer applicable).
  • Take note of a new federal requirement: effective April 1 a new federal law passed as part of the National Defense Authorization Act (which included a U.S. Coast Guard Reauthorization) requires a vessel operator to use either a helm or outboard lanyard or wireless engine cutoff switches (ECOS) when operating power boats under 26 feet in length.  Please make sure to clip the cutoff lanyard to your life jacket when operating our skiffs.

As always, please feel free to reach out to your PRSA Executive Committee if you have any questions.


It was fantastic to enjoy some food and merriment with so many of our sailors at the 2019 PRSA Annual General Meeting and Awards Banquet.   Please find below links to the material presented during the meeting.  Congratulations to our perpetual awards winners (listed below) and to our new PRSA Executive Committee (listed below).  Many thanks to our outgoing officers for their hard work and for their service to PRSA.

2019 PRSA Perpetual Awards

  • Founder’s Trophy: Yates Dowell
  • Fleet Captain’s Award: Aaron Boesenecker
  • Nabeel Alsalam Award: Michael McConnell
  • Yates Dowell III Award: Angie Darrah
  • Katherine Kearst Award: Daphne Byron
  • Len Penso Award: Barney Harris
  • Norman C. Shaller Award: David Beckett

2020 PRSA Executive Committee

  • Commodore: Tom Hutton
  • Vice Commodore: Stew Harris
  • Rear Commodore: Aaron Boesenecker
  • Secretary: Kyra Tallon
  • Treasurer: Jeff Neurauter

2019 AGM Presentation Slides

2019 PRSA Racing Award Winners

PRSA President’s Cup / DC Sail Cantina Cup Photos

We had some fantastic photos taken by Lindsay Bach and by Tom Sliter at the 2019 PRSA President’s Cup / DC Sail Cantina Cup Regatta.  Here are the links (you can also find these and other photo links in the “Gallery” area of the PRSA website).  Enjoy!

PRSA President’s Cup 14-15 September: Register Now!

President's Cup Logo

The 2019 PRSA President’s Cup Regatta will be held September 14 & 15 in conjunction with the DC Sail Cantina Cup.  We are excited to  continue the long tradition of competitive one-design racing that started with the President’s Cup in 1934 as we also partner with our great community sailing partner, DC Sail.   DC SailPrizes will be awarded for Saturday finishes (Cantina Cup) as well as combined Saturday & Sunday finishes (PRSA President’s Cup).  Don’t miss your chance for two days of top-notch one design racing on the Potomac River.  Visit the regatta website to register and download the NOR! 



PRSA Dinghy Open: 14 October

PRSA Sailors — this weekend we take a break from our regularly scheduled fleet racing of the fall series for our dinghy open.  The NOR and SIs are posted at  http://potomacriversailing.org/nors-sis/  The basics are the same, 10 am skipper’s meeting, 11:30 first warning, and après-sail pot-luck cook out, but this week you get to pit your skills and tactics against sailors in the other fleets!

If the forecast holds we should have another beautiful fall weekend, so come out for the sailing and stay for the cook-out! PRSA will supply soda and beer, please bring some snacks/grill treats to share.

PRSA President’s Cup Results

We had a good turnout for the 2018 PRSA President’s Cup Regatta, fantastic racing weather all weekend, and a packed spectator boat on Sunday.  It was especially nice to see some new faces on varius boats, including Emily sailing with with the Lanes on As You Wish, Bryanna who joined David Beckett on a Flying Scot, and Andrew who stepped in to sail with Aaron on Saturday before going back to his regular ride with long-time PRSA and Fleet 50 member Joe Warren on Joe’s new Flying Scot on Sunday.  What a great regatta!  Many thanks to PRO Jim Graham (upper course) and PRO Will Phillppe (lower course) and their RC crews for all of the work that they did to get us lots of racing.  Results are posted here.  Stay tuned for links to photos and more!