Spring Series #2 is coming up this weekend, but we still need RC volunteers in order to run races. Mike Heinsdorf is your PRO. Sign up on the RC Duty sheet and let Mike know if you are available.
Season Kickoff!
We’re just one week away from the start of our spring racing season! Join us on April 6 for the start of our spring series and for a chili-fest provided by PRSA after the racing. We’ll kick off the season on April 6 with our regular racing program: 10:00 am skipper’s meeting by the cranes and 11:25 first warning signal on the upper course. The Sailing Instructions for our Sunday Series racing can be found on the PRSA Website at http://potomacriversailing.org/nors-sis/
Make sure to stick around for the post-race festivities on April 6 as well. PRSA will provide chili (both meat and vegetarian variants), side dishes, and beverages. No need to bring anything for this first week–just come hungry and enjoy some food, drink, and good cheer after the racing!
As you get organized for the start of racing, please remember to pay your PRSA dues and sign up for Race Committee duty if you haven’t already done so. Timely dues payments are essential for the maintenance of our equipment, and we all need to take our turn on RC so that we all can also have fun racing on the water. You can find all the relevant forms and links on our PRSA Dues & RC Duty webpage: http://potomacriversailing.org/dues-rc-duty/
Finally, we have organized a series of training events for the spring season. Please mark the following dates on your calendar. We will send additional information along as each training event approaches.
- April 5: Skiff Management Training hosted by Nabeel Alsalam (time TBA, at WSM)
- May 15: Racing Rules Seminar hosted by Jeff Neurater and Aaron Boesenecker (7-9 pm, Charleston Room inside of Indigo Landing restaurant)
- Date TBA: Local Knowledge Seminar hosted by Barney Harris
I look forward to seeing everybody out on the water soon!
Get Ready for the 2014 Sailing Season!
We might still be in the grip of winter, but it is not too soon to think about our upcoming sailing season! The 2014 PRSA racing calendar has been posted, and now is the perfect time to take care of your PRSA dues and sign up for RC duty for the year so you are all set to go once the season starts. You can sign up for RC duty and renew your PRSA skipper and associate memberships on the right on the Dues & RC Duty page. Skippers who have not signed up for RC duty by March 15 will be contacted by their respective fleet captains to help fill first our remaining PRO slots, and then the other slots on the RC schedule. Skippers, please remember to remind your crews to pay associate dues as well…or, better yet, gift them an associate membership for the year at only $25 as an advance “thank you” for all of the hard work they’ll do on your boat this year! Pay your dues now and you’re set for the season!
Also, don’t forget to “like” PRSA’s group page if you are on facebook (https://www.facebook.com/groups/345661598808307/). We’ll be using that facebook group to post announcements and photos throughout the year along with the PRSA webpage and Yahoo! listserv. Stay tuned for more information on the upcoming season!
PRSA AGM Highlights
We enjoyed a fantastic pasta dinner at the 2013 PRSA Annual General Meeting (thanks Michelle and Lee) as we handed out awards for the 2013 racing season and discussed several business items. I’ve provided a summary of the award winners and key discussion points below. Congratulations to the 2013 award winners and to our new slate of officers!
PRSA Spring Series Awards
- Barney Harris
- Nich Allen
- Jeff Neurater
- Ben Arthur
- Jim Antonovich
- Bobby Astrove
- Chris Kozel
- Lindsay Bach
PRSA Fall Series Awards
- Nich Allen
- Barney Harris
- Jeff Neurater
- Ben Arthur
- Jim Antonovich
- Rick Welch / Aaron Boesenecker
- Nabeel Alsalam
- Bob Gotthardt
Founders Award: Aaron Boesenecker
Fleet Captain’s Award: Keith Barron, Steve Parsons, Bruce Heida
Key Business Items
- Membership is dangerously low, now less than 100 people.
- The Bayliner has been sold, and we made a small profit! Thanks to Jeff Neurauter for arranging the sale!
- The Executive Board needs to make a decision on if we can afford or need another RC boat. If you have an opinion or thoughts please contact your Fleet Captain or an Executive Board member.
2014 PRSA Executive Board
- Commodore: Aaron Boesenecker
- Vice Commodore: Nabeel Alsalam
- Rear Commodore: Farley Will
- Treasurer: Yates Dowell
- Member At Large: Jim Graham
- Secretary: Nich Allen
- Social/Membership Chairs: Lee Saysithsena/Michelle Greenhalgh
2013 Annaul Party and AGM
Saturday Nov 16th, same time, same location. Drinks start at 6:30pm,
dinner at 7pm and the AGM starts at 8pm. Price is $25, the menu will be:
Appetizers: Shrimp cocktail, bruschetta or hummus
Entree: Chicken Tetrazzini, Vegetable Marinara Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic
Desserts: TBD
If you are planning on coming please sign up here:
You can see who is signed up here:
Also, the Executive Board has decided to retire the Bayliner. Its
served us well for many years, and it should have died years ago if it
was not for the constant work put into it by a number of dedicated
members. We will talk in more detail at the meeting.
Hope to see you there.
Fall Series #8 Results
It started out very breezy Sunday, out of the north at 15-18 knots as reported by our RC Yates. The breeze slowly slacked off to 12 or so by the end of the day. Participation was light, however, probably because it was just a bit chilly out there. It was a good time for the brave few who showed up though. Here are the scores:
Only one more week to go!
Fall Series #6 & #7 Results
Well after the government upchuck shutdown we came back for the second half of our messed up truncated fall series. Fall Series #6 brought some stiff and shifty winds out of the NW W SW . Well you get the picture. Here are those scores:
Fall Series #7 brought much less wind from sometimes no discernible direction at all. Here are those scores:
Only two more weeks to go folks, so you’re running out of time to go out and have some fun!
Fall Series #2 & #3 Results
Fall Series #2 was a beautiful day on the river. We had nice breezes out of the NW (Mostly) and the RC headed by Jason Ipe got us four races in. Here are the scores:
Fall Series #3 was a drifter with PRO Nabeel getting in two races by sheer force of will. Here are the scores for the intrepid few who made it up to the course:
Fall Series #1 Results 09/15/13
Sunday was absolutely beautiful with nice southerly breezes. RC, Dan Miller set up a WL course and got 4 races in for the few smart sailors who showed up. Nice to see more than one Scow coming out. Hope that’s a trend. Here are the scores:
Albacore Fall Series #1 091513
Buccaneer Fall Series #1 091513
Open Cat Fall Series #1 091513
2013 President’s/Leukemia Cup: Great Wind, Great Racing, and a Great Celebration!
What a fantastic weekend! We were pleasantly surprised with great breeze on both Saturday and Sunday, we had tight racing on both the upper and the lower courses, and we had great celebrations after the racing on both Saturday and Sunday. The folks on the lower course got 6 races on Saturday, and on the upper course we had 4 races on Saturday and 3 more on Sunday. All told there were 61 boats on our PRSA one design courses (14 Lightnings, 12 Albacores, 10 Cats/Scows, 7 Bucs, 7 El Toros, 4 Flying Scots, 4 Lasers, and 3 Penguins). You can’t ask for anything more in a regatta!
Many PRSA sailors also supported the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society through fundraising efforts and through their own contributions. As we went into the regatta weekend the fundraising total was trending towards $160,000+ and many sailors made generous donations at registration over the weekend. I’ll be sure to send along the final totals on the fundraising efforts once those figures are available from the LLS. In the meanwhile, a huge “thank you” on behalf of the LLS to all of you who contributed to the fundraising effort.
Keep reading for links to scores as well as for some of my observations from the upper course. Be sure to add in your own comments and recollections as well!
Continue reading 2013 President’s/Leukemia Cup: Great Wind, Great Racing, and a Great Celebration!